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Request For Proposal

Planning Consultant

Union City Redevelopment Agency ("UCRA") Request for Proposals for Individuals or Firms interested in serving as a Planning Consultant to provide professional services to assist in the review of redevelopment submissions to UCRA


Pursuant to the Fair and Open Process described under N.J.S.A. 19:44A-1, et seq., the UCRA seeks Requests for Proposals (“RFPs") for the position of Planning Consultant to UCRA to assist in the review of redevelopment submissions, including preliminary and final site plans, to determine compliance with Redevelopment Area Plans within City of Union City for a contract period beginning on December 16, 2015 and ending December 15, 2016. All candidates are required to comply with N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27, as amended.  (Affirmative Action).  Each candidate that is a business shall submit proof of business registration with the New Jersey Division of Taxation (P.L. 2004, C.57).  The successful candidate must have significant expertise with Redevelopment Area Plans in urban settings and conducting reviews of site plans and concept plans on the behalf of municipalities or redevelopment agencies.  The successful candidate will provide the UCRA with consulting services related, but not necessarily limited to:  

1.    Providing technical assistance and expertise in reviewing and analyzing site plans and determining compliance with the relevant redevelopment plan;

2.    Attending regular and special meetings of the UCRA Board of Commissioners and meetings with UCRA’s staff and other stakeholders in the redevelopment process as needed; and

3.    Any other factors demonstrated to be in the best interest of the Agency.

Professional Information, Qualifications and Proposals

Copies of this standardized submission requirements and selection criteria are on file and available from the Office of the City Clerk. Each interested firm shall submit the following information:

1.    Name of Firm;
2.    Address of principal place of business and all other offices and corresponding telephone and fax numbers. Please note specifically which personnel will be assigned to work with the UCRA;
3.    Areas of Practice;
4.    Description of candidate’s education, experience, qualifications, number of years with the firm and a description of candidate’s experience with projects similar to those described above;
5.    Experience and reputation in the field and holder of all appropriate licenses;
6.    At least four (4) references, three (3) of which must have knowledge of your service to a public entity;
7.    Examples of your record of success servicing public entities;
8.    The candidate's ability to provide the services in a timely fashion (including staffing, familiarity and location of key staff);
9.    Cost details, including the hourly rates of each of the individuals who will perform the services and the time estimates for each individual, all expenses, and where appropriate, total cost of "not to exceed" amount.  It is anticipated that the total costs charged by the successful candidate for the year serving as Planning Consultant to UCRA should not exceed $10,000.00; and
10.    Any other information which the interested firm deems relevant.
11.    Statement of Corporate Ownership (c.52:25-24.2).

Selection Criteria  

The selection criteria used in awarding a contract or agreement for professional services as described herein shall include:

1.    Experience and reputation in the field and holder of all appropriate licenses;

2.    Qualifications for the individuals who will perform the tasks and the degree of their respective participation;

3.    Knowledge of the Agency, Union City and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract;

4.    Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the Agency and public meetings or hearings of the Agency; and

5.    Any other factors demonstrated to be in the best interest of the Agency.

Submission Requirements

Sealed RFP submissions will be publicly opened at 1:30 p.m. on December 11, 2015, by the Municipal Clerk of the City of Union City or her/his designee in his office at City Hall, 3715 Palisades Avenue, Union City. Sealed submissions must be received by no later than the above stated time and date by:

Dominik Cantatore, Acting City Clerk
City of Union City
3715 Palisade Avenue
Union City, New Jersey 07087
(201) 348-5731

Please submit one original and three (3) copies of the RFP.  Use white 8 ½”x11” paper and mark clearly, on the outside of the envelope: “Response to Request for Professional Services for Planning Consultant “on December 11, 2015.

View Official Notice Here


Issue Date: 12/01/2015
Issue Time: 12:40 PM
Submission Date: 12/11/2015
Submission Time: 1:30 PM